The Secret of T.E.L.X
by Alex Scobell
It is true that T.E.L.X is by far one of the most intelligent A.I's every
constructed. It was built over 200 years ago but has not yet been matched
by any A.I. It has been used by many but they have never fully harnessed
its unbelievable power. It is capable of thinking up complex strategies
that are unbeatable. The one race that will fully use its power to rule
the universe are the Ge'lin. They know of its power. They will use it
to crush many planets. They will steal resources from everywhere. They
will rule everything they will be unstoppable. What is worse is they already
know of its location and how to get it working again. The secret of T.E.L.X
is a 2D sidescrolling platform shooter. It will contain low level gore
but nothing to shocking. You will take part in many missions taking on
dealy gun wielding aliens and other monsters.
Concept Art
Eviscerator: That concept art is
way cool :)
Chris Scobell: Looks very interesting,
but what does "T.E.L.X" stand for. It sounds like it is some
ancient way of sending text over phone lines.
Caprice Vision: The beta verison
of T.E.L.X. is pretty cool. Only...the custom engine has just a few bugs...I
can't jump very high at some points. But other than that its cool. Can't
wait to see it!
Onag: These are great!
Much better than my first games. I'm looking forward to The Secret of
Can u make a MP mode for T.E.L.X please please .... Jj2
is boring.
Copyright © 2003-2004 Sun Fun Games, All Rights Reserved
$Updated:9/11/2003$ $Author:Alex Scobell$ |