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News Archive November-December 2003

Hits: 1686

8th of November 2003

Ah, a new preview of a game I'm working on is up. It has some nice concept art to boot! So go check it out in the games section!

8th of November 2003

Two updates on the same day? Yeah. I've just uploaded Sun Fun Classics Archive vol.1 it contains two of my old and crappy games! Check it out in the games section!

9th of November 2003

I've just added a misc section. Check it out!

18th of November 2003

Development on my new game (The Secret Of T.E.L.X) is going really smoothly and hopefully won't be abbandoned.

22nd of November 2003

A beta of The Secret of T.E.L.X is up for download. Check it out on the T.E.L.X page in the Games section!

14th of December 2003

I'm working on a short animation for Christmas. Look out for it soon! Plus I've added a new picture in the Misc Section

17th of December 2003

Merry (early) Christmas everyone. I have finished my christmas special A Crazy Christmas Carol you can download it in the Misc Section. Plus as a bonus holiday treat you can download Blue Bird Christmas Special which I made last year (its not as good as the new one). And if that weren't enough I had also added an old comic I made to the art gallery in the misc section! Well thats quite an update so be thankful.

30th of December 2003

I'm thinking of reprograming the engine in T.E.L.X so it will run alot smoother and provide a much better gameplay experince.

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$Updated:10/1/2003$ $Author:Alex Scobell$